After weeks of leaks and rumours, OnePlus 3T has finally become official. The phone is an upgrade to the company’s OnePlus 3 smartphone launched in June 2016. OnePlus 3T features an updated processor – the Snapdragon 821, along with more battery capacity and a better front camera. The new phone is also more expensive and starts at $439 ( Rs 29,700) for the 64GB version and $479 for 128GB (Rs 32,000).
While OnePlus flagship devices are much cheaper from Apple, Samsung and Google from their performance is top notch.
OnePlus 3T
OnePlus 3T brings moderate updates to the OnePlus 3. The phone features Qualcomm’s new Snapdragon 821 processor (same as on Pixel XL) and has seen a bump in battery capacity, which now stands at 3400 mAh – compared to the OnePlus 3’s 3000 mAh battery.
OnePlus 3T also comes with a new 16MP front camera with Samsung 3P8SP processor. The phone will be available in two colour variants – Soft Gold and Bold Gunmetal. OnePlus 3T comes with 6GB RAM, but there’s a new 128GB storage version as well.
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