What is SAR?

SAR (specific absorption rate) is an indication of the amount of radiation that is absorbed into a head whilst using a cellular phone, the higher the SAR rating the more radiation that is absorbed into the head.


A SAR value is a measure of the maximum energy absorbed by a unit of mass of exposed tissue of a person using a mobile phone, over a given time or more simply the power absorbed per unit mass. SAR values are usually expressed in units of watts per kilogram (W/kg) in either 1g or 10g of tissue.


SAR information for new models will begin to be reported after 10 th of October 2001. This is based upon the new harmonised CENELEC testing standard EN50360/1 which was adopted in August 2001 .
In relation to models currently in production on 1st Oct 2001 the following arrangements will apply:
For countries that have adopted the ICNIRP limits or have no national regulation, manufacturers expect to complete the provision of SAR information by 31st March 2002.
In the case of countries with unique standards or regulations, these will be treated on a cae-bycase basis.


There is concern at the moment over the use of cellular phones and their possible health implications. All the research is inconclusive so the bottom line is, cellular phones may be a potential health hazard. Because of this uncertainty major governments throughout the World are recommending that users adopt The Precautionary Approach:

Following an intense review of all the scientific data available the British Government supported the Stewart Group in their conclusion:
“We conclude therefore that it is not possible at present to say that exposure to RF radiation, even at levels below national guidelines, is totally without potential health risks, and that the gaps in knowledge are sufficient to justify a precautionary approach.”

The French Government following a similar intense review of research Recommended in January 2001 that users should adopt:
An approach based on the Precautionary Principle with the general overall objective of reducing average exposure of the public to the lowest possible level.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the US announced in October 99 that:

“The cellular industry should design mobile phones in a way that minimises any RF exposure to the user that is not necessary for device to function.
